SM&A offers its customers electrical studies prepared by an extremely experienced team.
The great experience in the field and in the various segments in which it operates, brings very high reliability to the products and the expected results.

Main activities in electrical studies
Dimensioning / Safety Analysis of Substation Earth Meshes and Industrial Systems
Incident energy and specification of arc resistant clothing
power flow
Dynamic and voltage drop starting for large motors
Penetration of harmonics and mitigation measures
Selectivity and coordination of protection
Isolation Coordination
Short circuit
Stability and load rejection for transient, electromechanical and electromagnetic local cogeneration systems
Reports for the use of ICMS levied on the electricity bill
Inspections, diagnostics and recommendations for adapting
industrial facilities to the requirements of NR-10 and NR-12
Studies for new accessors to the basic network of the National
Interconnected System (SIN), or to the energy distribution network, according to the ONS Network Procedures and requirements of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, such as Access Opinion and Studies of Minimum Global Cost
Energy efficiency studies – ISO 50001
Technical and economic feasibility studies for new ventures and
modernization of existing plants
Studies of electromechanical and electromagnetic transient phenomena.
Main resources used
The most innovative electrical studies software

Software for calculating short-circuit (IEC909), power flow and motor start (DAPPER), harmonic flow (HI-WAVE), selectivity and protection coordination (CAPTOR) and incident energy (ARC Flash).

Software for short-circuit calculation (SHORT-CIRCUIT module), power flow (LOAD FLOW module), harmonic flow (HARMONICS module) and sizing of ground loops (GROUND GRID SYSTEMS module).

Software for calculating transient stability / starting of motors, power flow, short circuit and power quality, developed by CEPEL.

Officina by Mydia Editora | calculation of earth meshes