Regulatory Standard NR-10
Workers who interact, directly or indirectly, in electrical installations and services with electricity are exposed to serious risks, which can lead from a 1st degree burn to death. In order to ensure the safety and health of these workers, the MTE published, in 1978, NR 10 – Safety in Installations and Services in Electricity.
However, the need to update this Standard soon arose, in view of the large number of accidents that continued to occur after its publication, especially after the privatization of the electricity sector in the country – when companies began to outsource many services, hiring workers who did not always have qualifications or adequate training. Not to mention the new technologies, materials and processes that have emerged over time.
The “new NR 10”, as it became known, establishes the basic guidelines for the implementation of control measures and preventive systems, aiming at the safety and health of workers who directly or indirectly interact in electrical installations and services with electricity in its most diverse uses and applications, as well as all work carried out in its vicinity.
The basic text of Nova NR was prepared, in 2001, by a group of Electrical and Occupational Safety Engineers from different government institutions and, later, presented to society for public consultation. A Tripartite Commission was responsible for analyzing the proposed amendments and in 2003 the work was finally completed.
The updated text of NR 10, established by Ordinance No. 598, of the MTE, of 12/07/2004, was published in the Federal Official Gazette of 12/08/2004 and changed the previous wording of the Standard.
The SM&A technical team specializes in meeting the requirements of NR 10 in its projects and activities and is able to provide services to its customers in activities of inspection of facilities, issuing of compliance reports, as well as corrective measures for deviations. Below, we list some of the most important activities ever carried out by the company.
Principais serviços executados
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